Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

The Video of Mona Lisa or how to go mental because of the interweb

Ladies and Gentlemen!
This. is. the. news!

PANIC! AT THE DISCO release a video fot their new single


The video was released yesterday night on and but I when I had to leave for work it wasn´t uploaded yet.
I´ve already guessed that this was going to happen so I wasn´t that bummed.
Working was hard though.
Lyrically locked in a room with loads of computers and internet and not being able to watch wasn´t helping at all.
But luckily I was able to leave early.
I almost ran home.
And uh, I was so not dancing to Mona Lisa on my iPod while waiting for the fucking tram at the station.

Okay, maybe I was.

My first try was MTV.

"Sorry we´re unable to offer this video for users in your region"

Next try: Kerrang

"The video you are trying to watch cannot be viewed from your current country or location"

Sooo, I was beginning to get nervous. Kerrang never disappointed me.
But I didn´t gave up that easily.

Next : Youtube

I didn´t found the video at first. Great.
Then I had to ga back to work.
When I got back in the late evening I couldn´t be bothered to at least turn on the computer.
I went to sleep and dreamt.

The next mornig (well, today) I got up earlier because there could be the possibility that someone uploaded the video where it would be LEGAL for me to watch it.
That´s when I read Zacks Tweet about the Youtube Upload.

I was like.


And Youtube was like:

"This video contains content from WMG. It´s not available in your country.
Sorry about that :/ "

I can remember my thought exactly.
A big giant "FUUUUUUUUCK!"
Sorry for swearing, mum.
But that fucking :/ Smiley killed me.

When I came back from work I noticed one of my CFF´s (Computer-Friendly-Friends) must have been reading my desperate tweets and sent me the link to a download to a strange programme I don´t understand.


And that´s what I did.

Like 753295230572353 times.


I just watched the video again.
The waiting was so worth it.

The video is so wonderful. All the tiny details and the whole production.
I love every single second of it.
Well except for the ones where the Brendon-Ghost looked like an angry Vampire.
But it´s alright. You can´t always get what you want.

I´m the best example.
But in the end I saw the video and felt freaking excited for the new album.
I haven´t preordered it yet, because I want a special edition.

So this entry was all about my struggles with modern technology.
That´s why my my actual note-BOOK has way more entrys than this blog has.

The only thing left to say:

Even if you´ve got to start a "cyber war";)

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

Boy you better put that pen to paper, charm your way out.

Wie ich schon vor längerer Zeit bemerkt habe bin ich ich ein Phasen-Mensch.
Diese Phasen sind wunderschön und müssen festgehalten werden.
Deshalb hab ich mir gestern einen Wunsch erfüllt.
Dieses wunderschöne Buch.
Meine Schwester war überrascht von der Tatsache, dass ein leeres Buch teurer ist als ein Bestseller.
Ich antwortete ihr, dass das womit ich mein Buch füllen werde mehr an Bedeutung für mich haben wird als jeder Bestseller je könnte.
Sie hat es nicht verstanden.

Ich hoffe ich werde dieses Buch fleißig füllen.
Früher hab ich Gedichte geschrieben.
Als mein Engel im Krankenhaus war.
Ich werde vermutlich ein paar übertragen. In das Buch.
Das Buch ohne Namen.

Also noch hat es keinen Namen.
Es ist eben ein noch sehr unfertiges Buch.
So unfertig und unperfekt wie ich bin.
Aber ich möchte es perfekt machen.
Genau wie ich mich perfekt machen will.

Don´t you see?
I´m the narrator and this is just the prologue.

So viel zu meiner Phase.